Ed Owen at Ernest Hemingway’s Home in Key West.
Ed Owen is your Key West guide. He’s spent most of a lifetime in media, including radio and stints as an all purpose personality in television. He fell in love with Key West more than 30 years ago and VoiceMap gives him the opportunity to show you many of the features every visitor needs to see. And along the way you’ll get a bit of humor, definitely some trivia, and a thorough view of why Ed fell in love with Key West all those years ago.
This is a walking tour of Key West, Florida. From the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean. You could speed walk it in 45 minutes, but why would you want to? Take your time, live like the locals. Stop and enjoy the scenery. And most of all, relax.
If you want a glimpse of the many things Ed is involved in, visit his digital portal. Beware, it’s a rabbit hole of online radio, the history of the Beatles, daily Disney and cruise industry news, and the University of Kentucky Wildcats.
VoiceMap offers visitors to over 250 cities in 59 countries the ability to take concise, affordable tours at their own pace utilizing their own digital devices. The service offers an innovative look at touring. It’s not all just ‘locations and facts and figures’. Check them out here.